OB/GYN and CNMS: An overview of their roles

Understanding the Roles of OB/GYNs and Certified Nurse-Midwives in Women’s Healthcare

At Covington Women’s Health Specialists, we’re excited to highlight the growth that many of our longstanding patients have observed. With a dynamic team consisting of six OB/GYN doctors, seven Certified Nurse-Midwives, and three Women’s Health Nurse Practitioners, we strive daily to deliver personalized, patient-centered care.

We’re thrilled to introduce Rosalie Plofchan, CNM, to our dynamic team. Rosalie is excited to share insights on a topic we often receive questions about: the differences between OB/GYN doctors and Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs). Although both play crucial roles in our specialty, their education and credentials differ. Here’s Rosalie insights on these important distinctions.

OB/GYN Doctors Healthcare Services 

OB/GYN doctors undergo extensive training in medical illnesses and surgery. With four years of medical school and four years of residency, our Medical Doctors (MD) or Doctors of Osteopathy (DO) specialize in obstetrics and gynecology. Board-certified in this specialty, their training equips them with expertise to manage routine and high-risk pregnancies, perform surgical procedures related to the female reproductive system, and diagnose and treat various gynecological conditions and non-pregnancy related medical illnesses. Our OB/GYNs bring a wealth of specialized medical knowledge and surgical expertise to the team. They are skilled to handle complex pregnancies, high-risk deliveries, and a myriad of gynecological conditions.

In situations requiring intervention or advanced medical care, OB/GYNs play an indispensable role. Their ability to navigate intricate surgeries, manage complications, and provide a range of treatment options ensures that patients receive the highest level of care, especially in critical situations.

Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) Healthcare Services

Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) are registered nurses who pursue advanced training and hold master’s or doctoral degrees in nursing. Completing two to four years of graduate education, they are certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board and licensed by the state to practice. Emphasizing holistic, patient-centered care, CNMs focus on promoting natural childbirth, providing education, and supporting women throughout the childbirth process. They are trained to recognize and manage complications during pregnancy and childbirth. CNMs offer prenatal care, attend births, and provide postpartum care for low-risk women. Additionally, they deliver routine gynecologic care and support women with health maintenance and regular testing outside of pregnancy. Our CNMs collaborate with our physicians to care for medium to high-risk pregnancies.

The Harmony of CNMs and OB/GYNs

The diversity of care we offer, with both CNMs and OB/GYNs, is one of the beautiful aspects of our practice. Women have different needs, preferences, and circumstances, and having a range of healthcare providers ensures that those needs are met. While some women may prefer the personalized, low-intervention approach of midwifery, others may require the specialized care and expertise of an OB/GYN due to medical conditions or other factors. The key lies in recognizing that each provider has a valuable role to play in women’s healthcare.

Our dedicated team of healthcare providers is ready to support you throughout your pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum journey, addressing any questions or concerns you may have along the way. Schedule your appointment online or give us a call at 770-385-8954.