Sweating Down There? It’s Normal!

It happens to all women. You’re out and about enjoying your day while it happens to be warm, or you’re putting your all into a work-out, and very quickly your underwear or groin area becomes drenched with sweat. On top of sweating through your armpits, you probably notice perspiration gathering underneath your breasts and in your vagina.

Sweating down there might be “gross,” but don’t worry! It’s 100% natural and something all women do. To help spread awareness on why this is so, the experts at Covington Women’s Health are discussing why women sweat at their vulvas.

Why Do I Sweat Down There?

Sweating is an absolutely necessary part of life. It’s your body’s way of cooling down your skin and preventing you from overheating.

Sweat comes from the sweat glands located throughout your body. There are two types: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. The latter are the ones that are in your vulvar area, because they are connected to the hair follicles there.

Just like there are two different types of sweat glands, there are also two different types of sweat! The sweat that happens in your vulvar area has a milk-like texture and can have a strong order. However, as mentioned above, while eccrine gland sweat is the process that cools down your body, many scientists and medical professionals aren’t sure of the purpose of apocrine sweat.

But, it’s still a totally natural process.

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Sweat?

Just like with excessive sweat through the armpits, this can also happen at your vulva! If you’re noticing a large amount of sweat at low-energy efforts, then it might be a sign you have a problem with excessive sweat in your vagina.

One example of a common reason why this happens is a medical condition called hyperhidrosis, which causes people to sweat more than others.

If your level of sweat is bothering you and impacting your quality of life, there are several things you can do! The best first step is to reach out to your trusted gynecologist to discuss what’s happening. They will be able to give you a plan to see if you can lessen the impact of your excessive sweat.

If you have any more questions about sweating down there, reach out to the women’s health experts at Covington Women’s Health by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954.

Covington Women’s Health Specialists Student Spotlight: Cat Palmer

Covington Women’s Health is proud to offer a student program intended to give the next best and brightest training physicians a glimpse into what it’s like working in women’s health. We created the student spotlight blog series to highlight certain members in this program to give everyone an insight into this opportunity and the amazing people who participate. 

First up is Cat Palmer, BSN-RN, IBCLC. She’s been working with Covington Women’s Health as a student nurse-midwife since January 2020. Learn more about Cat by reading below! 

Why did you choose to work in the field of obstetric/gynecologic medicine? 

I have always been passionate about women’s health. I believe that when women are supported to create the families they want in the way they want, women can be empowered to create the communities and the world that they want to live in. Reproductive justice gives people control over their own lives and their bodies. We can help create healthier, happier future generations. As a doula and lactation consultant, I was already familiar with approaching health from a holistic, person-centered approach, and so midwifery was the natural next step for me!

What are the key challenges of this field of medicine?

There’s never enough time! If I could spend two hours with each of my patients at each visit, I would. 

What are some unique and/or special skills you have as a student at Covington Women’s Health Specialists?

Everything I’ve learned, I’ve learned from Denise! She is an incredible preceptor and has made the concepts I learned in the classroom really make sense. 

What’s the most rewarding part of your clinical work?

I love it when people get curious about their own health and healthcare and start taking more ownership of the process. I love hearing patients’ questions and love when patients advocate for themselves to be cared for in a certain way. 

What does your daily routine look like?

On workdays I typically get up around 6 am, have a (strong!) cup of coffee, and then listen to the news as I drive to work. On non-clinical days, I wake up early, go for a run or do some yoga, then spend most of my day doing homework and bothering my two cats. I always make sure to save time at the end of the day to make a nice dinner- spending an hour in the kitchen at the end of the day is my favorite way to unwind. 

What’s one thing that has surprised you about being at Covington Women’s Health Specialists?

I love when I hear people say they are going to birth their baby in the same hospital that they were born in! 

Is there a specific patient or work experience that left a lasting impact on you? If so, explain how and why.

I will always cherish the memory of the first birth I attended as a doula. My client was young, and at first, I couldn’t tell if she actually wanted me to be there. After her birth, she told me that having my support meant the world to her, she had learned so much, and that she couldn’t have done it without me. It was an honor to watch her blossom into a mother, and I was so grateful that she trusted me to be with her on that journey.

Do you have any advice for people hoping to work in your field? 

Learn how to rest and take care of yourself. This work is so special, but it can be hard and requires a lot of your energy. Keep healthy boundaries and make time for yourself! 

Tell us about your family! 

My parents were reporters, so I grew up learning to ask lots of questions! I am so grateful for the curiosity they instilled in me and feel like it makes me a better clinician. They live outside of Boston, and we get to see them every few months. I live in Atlanta with my husband and two cats, and we see my aunts, who also live here, often. His family lives in Houston, and we make a point to see them frequently as well. My husband is the oldest of four siblings, which is a lot of fun for me because I grew up as an only child. I consider my friends to be family as well and spend a lot of time traveling to North Carolina, New York, Chicago, and California to visit them. 

What are your favorite past-times? 

I love to hike! I’ve been tackling bits and pieces of the Appalachian Trail over the past few years, and escape to North Georgia whenever I can to do another section. I also love to do yoga, read, and cook and bake for my loved ones. 

If you have any more questions about Covington Women’s Health and our student program, reach out to our women’s health experts by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954

Partnering with Students: Our Specialists Clinical Program

A major component of education for anyone hoping to become a healthcare provider is a process called clinical rotations. This multi-year undertaking occurs when students work with a professional within their chosen field, going into offices and hospitals and working with patients one on one. Doing so gives them the hands-on experience they need to flourish in their career and also gives them the opportunity to work with medical issues that they’ve only read about so far.

Covington Women’s Health Specialists providers understand the importance of clinical work. That’s why they partner with multiple universities to serve as preceptors for clinical rotations. Not only does this benefit those ready to jump into the healthcare workforce, but it also benefits Covington Women’s Health Specialists

“Normally, we see third-year medical students coming through our offices,” Denise Cochran, a Certified Nurse Midwife and Student Coordinator at Covington Women’s Health Specialists stated. Medical students from Augusta University/University of Georgia Partnership complete 6-week rotations with the office. “We tailor our clinical programs to give those students as much experience and exposure as possible. They’re in the office appointments with us, they round in the hospitals, they assist in surgeries, and they also learn in labor and delivery. For many of them, this is their first time in a clinical rotation, so we want to make it as beneficial to them as possible.”

In addition to medical students, Covington Women’s Health Specialists routinely teaches midwifery students and family nurse practitioner students who are required to do an OBGYN rotation. Midwifery students complete rotations both in the office and in the hospital labor and delivery unit. They partner with numerous universities including Emory, Vanderbilt, Frontier Nursing and the University of Georgia, creating future healthcare providers in their offices. 

Currently, our practice is partnered with one student who will do her clinical work with them for two years before becoming a midwife in Covington herself. While she earns her degree, she’ll be building relationships with her future patients and solidifying her future role at the very place she will eventually work.

Denise said, “We almost always have someone in the office working with us. It’s such a great program because of that. They get to use our offices to learn, and we get to have most recent medical information taught in the schools brought into our practice.”

Read our student spotlights here:

Cat Palmer, BSN-RN, IBCLC

Leah Topper, Medical Student Year 3 (“MS3”)

Grace Kim, Medical Student Year 3 (“MS3”)

Courtney Dorris, SNM

Birth Control 101: Pros and Cons of Common Options

If you know you’re not looking to build a family any time soon, then birth control is something you’re ready to start taking. But there are countless types of birth control available to everyone and figuring out which type is best for you takes planning and considering. Figuring out your best option might be dizzying and more stressful than it once was. 

The experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists are breaking down all the birth control options and discussing the pros and cons of each option. Keep reading below to see which might be best for you! 

Scheduled Options 

  • Patch: The skin absorbs the hormones from this patch that can either go on the belly, upper arm, butt, or back. It prevents eggs from being produced and sperm traveling to the egg. 
    • This option is fantastic for women who are almost ready to give birth. Not only is it effective at about 91%, but when you stop taking it, you can get pregnant right away. It also has other health benefits, like reducing acne, and can make your periods better. However, it does require you to change the patch weekly. 
  • Pill: One of the most commonly known options, this birth control type requires women to take a daily pill. Doing so stops ovulation, which means there’s no egg to produce a baby, and also prevents the flow of sperm to the eggs. 
    • If you can remember to take the pill every single day, then this option might be great for you with 91% accuracy. It’s pretty affordable, has other health benefits such as helping with iron deficiencies, and can make your periods better. However, some women have reported negative side-effects, such as headaches.
  • Shots: Requiring women to come in every three months to receive an injection, this birth control option releases the same hormone as the above, creating the same effects. 
    • If you really hate shots, maybe don’t consider this option. But for those who don’t mind it, you only have to worry about receiving it four times a year with 94% effectiveness. It also has added health benefits like preventing cancer, lessens your period. However, you will have to wait about 10 months to get pregnant after stopping the shot, and there are negative side effects like depression. 
  • Vaginal Ring: Similar process to the above options, the NuvaRing is a ring that is placed inside your vagina to prevent pregnancy.
    • With this option, you don’t have to worry about taking something every day to prevent pregnancy and you still receive a 91% effectiveness. It also has added health benefits like preventing bone thinning and it can help lessen your periods. However, if you don’t like the idea of having to replace monthly or the negative side-effects that often come with it, like nausea, then consider something else. 

More Permanent Options 

  • Tubal Ligation, or Sterilization: Also known as “getting your tubes tied”, this is a permanent birth control option that involves safe and successful surgery. During the process, a physician will permanently close your fallopian tubes, not allowing eggs to travel to the place in your body where they will meet with sperm to create a child. 
    • If you know you will never have kids, tubal ligation is a great way to go. You’ll never have to worry about getting pregnant with a 99% effective rate. However, if you change your mind, it’s costly and sometimes not effective to reverse this process. You and your partner need to be absolutely certain if you want to get your tubes tied. 
  • Vasectomy: Similar to the above, a vasectomy is the male version of permanent birth control. In this procedure, a doctor will cut off the small tubes in a scrotum that is responsible for allowing sperm to leave the body. 
    • Again, if you know you and your partner never want kids, you can’t go wrong with this 99% effective form of birth control. Just like sterilization, reversing a vasectomy is costly, complicated, and sometimes doesn’t work. So only pick this option if you’re 100% sure. 

The Less Maintenance Options 

  • Birth Control Implant: A thin rod that goes into your arm, this implant releases the hormone progestin into your body to prevent sperm from swimming to the egg and also keep the eggs from leaving the ovaries. 
    • Many women love this option as it only needs to be inserted into the arm once and then it continues to work for many years at a very high effective rate of 99%. However, it can be more costly and several women experience painful side-effects, like breast pain.  
  • IUD: This stands for Intrauterine Device, and, just like the name suggests, this option is a tiny device that is placed into your uterus. It alters the way that sperm and eggs move throughout your body, blocking a pregnancy from happening in the first place. Within this option are five other choices, and which you pick will largely depend on your preferences. 
    • While IUDs are very effective at a 99% effective rate and can last for many years, the process of receiving them and removing them can be more painful than other options. Sometimes the side effects that come with IUD, such as irregular periods and pain, might convince women not to use this option. They can also be more costly, but they also help to lessen periods. 

What’s the Best Way to Get Your Birth Control?

As our society continues to move more towards convenience and ease, it might also be tempting to do the same with your birth control. But, when it comes to ensuring you have the perfect type for you, nothing can replace the accuracy of visiting your trusted gynecologist and having a consultation. Together, the two of you can work through your preferences and discuss which will best suit your needs. You’ll leave the office with a clear decision and without a doubt. 

If you have any more questions about birth control, reach out to the experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954

How Partners Can Help Their Person Go Through Childbirth

If your partner is about to go through childbirth, it’s totally natural to be a nervous wreck! After all, your entire life is about to change and for the better. You’ll have a new person to love and care for, but, first, you have to get through childbirth. 

The good news is that there are many ways you can help your partner through the process. If you’re hoping to learn how, keep reading below as the experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists explain how partners can help their person go through childbirth. 

Take Classes Together

New to childbirth? The best thing you can do is to take classes together as a couple! Signing up for these means educating yourself on the best techniques, learning more about what’s to come, and figuring what you two can do together to make the experience as painless as possible. All of this is a fantastic way to plan out how you’ll support your partner and will lessen any surprises during the experience. 

Work Through the Birth Plan 

Plan as a couple your ideal birth plan! Options to consider as you make decisions are where it will take place, if you want to hire any additional help such as a doula, and what your partner would like to see you do during the birth. Communicating these details beforehand is the best way to figure out what your partner needs the most so you can give it to them. Being on the same page is essential. 

Focus on Support and Distractions 

Since you’re not giving birth yourself, the best thing you can do for your partner is to be there for them as they go through it. Help them with their breaths, assist them with counting their contractions, pour praises and encouragement over them, and give them a distraction when they need one from the pain. 

If you focus on doing your best to support your partner as they bring your baby into the world, you’ll be helping them tremendously. 

Remember to Take Care of Yourself 

When you can, remember to take care of yourself throughout the process too. If your partner is sleeping, take a nap too. If your partner is eating, make sure to eat too. Your partner needs your energy and focus as high as possible, so don’t forget to fulfill your basic needs as much as you can. 

If you have any more questions about the birthing process and how partners can help their person go through childbirth, reach out to the birthing experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954

The Importance of Sleep to Women

Everyone knows that not getting enough sleep can really ruin your day ahead. But, sometimes, it’s tough to get all your recommended hours when there’s so much to do during the day. 

For women, it can be especially hard to balance. You’re expected to maintain a career, raise your children, be healthy, and keep up all your other passions and hobbies. That doesn’t leave much room for sleep. Plus, many of the physical experiences women go through can impact quality of sleep. Examples included menopause, pregnancy, periods, and puberty. 

However, getting a good night’s rest is absolutely vital to remaining healthy and happy. The experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists are explaining the importance of sleep to women below. 

What Lack of Sleep Does to Your Mental Health

Studies have shown that not getting enough sleep can have the same impact on you as having a high blood alcohol content. It’s easy to see why knowing the effects of lack of sleep on your mental health:

  • Lack of coordination.
  • Impaired judgment.
  • High-levels of stress.
  • More accident-prone.
  • Mood swings. 

Not Enough Sleep Impacts Physical Health 

Unfortunately, not sleeping enough also impacts you physically. Here are some examples: 

  • Decreased hearing. 
  • Feeling hungrier. 
  • Fatigue. 

Long-Term Lack of Sleep? The Impact is Even Worse

If you’re used to getting a terrible night’s sleep, the impact on your mental and physical health gets even worse. Here’s what you’re at risk for:

  • Additional weight gain, even obesity.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Heart Disease.
  • Dementia.
  • Depression.
  • Quicker aging. 
  • High blood pressure. 

How to Keep Good Sleeping Habits During Quarantine

With all of our schedules out of whack thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, you might also be noticing a difference in your sleep patterns. Many people report staying up much later than they usually do, sleeping longer than they usual might, and often taking naps throughout the day. If you’ve noticed that you’re normal, healthy sleeping patterns aren’t what they used to be, here are some tips for keeping good sleeping habits during quarantine:

  • Schedule a sleep time and a wake-up time and keep to it. Staying strict will ensure you get the sleep you need. 
  • Refrain from working in your bed. Keep your bedroom sacred for just sleeping. 
  • Try your best to get outside and enjoy the sunlight! Getting enough vitamin D impacts your quality of sleep. 
  • Keep yourself active! Working out regularly has been shown to improve your sleep. 
  • Make sure to get off your phone in plenty of time before going to bed so your brain can relax and get ready to sleep. Excessive blue light right before bed can negatively affect your sleep. 
  • While naps can be very tempting during this time, make sure to take them carefully. Napping too long or too much means not getting enough sleep later during the night. 

If you have any more questions about the importance of sleep to women, reach out to the women’s health experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954

Being Active Can Positively Impact Women’s Health

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of regular exercise. Whether you’ve been active in the past or are looking to kickstart a new fitness routine, there’s no better time than now to start moving! Being active has enormous health benefits.

Keep reading below to discover how being active can positively impact women’s health and find tips for incorporating more movement into your daily life.

The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Women

Decreases Risk for Several Illnesses

Many studies have shown that when a woman regularly exercises, they decrease their risk for several major medical issues. Some examples include:

  • Dementia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Depression
  • Breast Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease

Boosts Mental Health

Regular exercise benefits mental health in women as well! On top of improving self-confidence, working out regularly also improves a woman’s ability to focus and provides higher levels of productivity. In addition, exercising is a great way to destress after a long day.

Benefits Sex Life

Since exercise helps to boost your confidence, it’s no wonder it also has a positive impact on a woman’s sexual desire and response. If you’re finding yourself unmotivated when it comes to sex, consider exercising for as little as 20 minutes a day.

How to Stay Active at Home

In our busy lives, it’s easy to get comfortable and spend most of our time sitting down. However, staying active is essential for maintaining good health, as highlighted by the benefits listed above!

Here are some pointers to help you find ways to stay active at home:

  • Use online resources: There are plenty of online resources available for those looking for exercise classes. A simple Google search should provide a wealth of options to choose from.
  • Take a walk outside: Get your steps in while enjoying the scenery around you. Walking outside allows you to move throughout the day and soak in some fresh air.
  • Use household items as weights: Utilize what’s available to you to strengthen those muscles! Whether it’s jars of pasta sauce or other household items, your imagination is the only limit.

If you have any more questions about why being active can positively impact women’s health, reach out to the women’s health experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954.

Avoid Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers During Pregnancy

Hand Washing with Soap and Water is BEST!

By Cathy T. Larrimore, MD, FACOG

Dr. Cathy Larrimore of Covington, Georgia

Cathy T. Larrimore, M.D. is Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG).

Even before Coronavirus, pregnant women were worried about germs.  But now, with the coronavirus, the concern is at a fever’s pitch!  

Handwashing and the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers are the currently recommended procedures for the control of infections such as the flu, colds, and even coronavirus.  But the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology (ACOG) advises that “women should avoid alcohol entirely while pregnant or trying to conceive.” So, is the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers by pregnant women a risk to their unborn fetuses?  Do we know if any of the alcohol is absorbed through the skin?  And what if the women breathe the sanitizer in while it is drying on their hands?  And how many applications a day are safe?

Few studies have been done to measure blood alcohol concentrations after the use of these alcohol-based hand sanitizers.  But the studies that have been done concerning the application of hand sanitizer to the skin and breathing it in showed that a small level of alcohol is absorbed and can be found in the user’s bloodstream.  

The amount of alcohol absorbed would increase with multiple uses of the hand sanitizer.  That is concerning because ACOG states that “adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on child behavior at age 6 to 7 years are evident even at low levels of exposure.”  So, the safety of the repetitive use of hand sanitizer during pregnancy is uncertain.  

Handwashing with soap and water is the preferable way to clean your hands and fight germs during pregnancy.  Reserve hand sanitizer use for once in a blue moon when water and soap are not accessible to you.

Why STDs Testing Is Important

Sexually transmitted diseases or STDs are more common than you think. It’s estimated that 376 million people will be diagnosed with an STD every year.  And, yet, STD testing isn’t a commonplace discussion topic. Maybe it’s because of the sensitive subject, or perhaps it’s because not many are educated on the importance of being tested for these infections. 

So, it’s important to think about receiving regular STD testing at your next gynecology visit, especially if it’s been a few years since your last test. If you’re not sure why, the experts at Covington Women’s Health are discussing why STDs testing is important and answering some of the most common questions about this subject. 

How Do You Get an STD? 

Anytime you have vaginal, anal, or oral sex, you are at risk of being exposed to an STD. While it’s less common to receive an STD from a life-long partner than if your lifestyle involves multiple sexual encounters, it can still occur. Even if you use protection, sometimes the exposure can still occur, especially concerning the virus that causes most cervical cancers, Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. 

Knowing this, you can see why it’s vital to stay on top of receiving regular STD testing. Even if you’re fine this year, something could change next year, especially if you have unprotected sex with someone new. 

Silent Symptoms 

Whether or not you suspect you have an STD is important, but it’s even more important to know is that sometimes STDs will not cause any symptoms at all. It may take many years for symptoms to first show up and, by that time, the disease has been living in your body and potentially causing damage. Some infections can damage your fallopian tubes and cause infertility. 

That’s why it’s better safe than sorry when it comes to STD testing. 

Consequences that Build Up

Unfortunately, STDs can do a lot of damage if left untreated, as mentioned above. Depending on the type you have, medical issues such as increased risk in infertility, weakened immune system, cancer, and more are all possibilities if STDs go untreated. 

And if you have an STD, you could be spreading that disease and potentially doing a lot of harm to those you come in contact with. 

Do the responsible thing and receive regular checking, for your benefit and the benefit of others.  

When Should I Get STD Testing Done?

The answer to this question depends on how sexually active you are. 

  • If you are very sexually active with multiple partners, consider receiving testing every few months. 
  • If you aren’t sexually active or are sexually active with only one person, still plan to receive testing every year, just to be sure. 

The best thing about STD testing is that it’s quick, easy, and painless! Many times all it involves is a swab and blood test while you’re getting your exam at your gynecologists’ office. 

If you have any further questions about STDs testing, reach out to the experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists. Contact us by clicking here or by giving us a call at 770-385-8954. 

What is Endometriosis?

Despite being a very common medical issue, many people have not heard of endometriosis. Yet, more than 200,000 women in the United States have it every year. This disorder occurs when the tissue that normally lines the inside of a uterus grows on the outside of the uterus, in other areas of the lower abdomen and on the ovaries, causing extreme pain for the women who experience it. 

“Endometriosis can cause many issues down the road,” Covington Women’s Health Specialist, Dr. Cathy Larrimore explained. “During a normal menstrual cycle, the lining of tissue in your uterus thickens, breaks down, and then leaves the body during the period. However, since the tissue in endometriosis has nowhere to go, it becomes trapped and causes cysts, scar tissue, adhesions, and even fertility problems.” 

Want to learn more about endometriosis? The experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists explain the basics of this medical disorder below. 

What Causes Endometriosis?

Unfortunately, the exact cause of endometriosis is not known. However, here are some of the possible reasons many scientists and doctors are currently speculating. 

Retrograde Menstruation

This is one of the most commonly believed theories. In this process, menstrual blood with endometrial cells goes back through the fallopian tubes instead of out of the body. This could possibly be what triggers the tissue to grow outside of the uterus. 

Peritoneal Cells

The peritoneum covers the organs inside the body.  Possibly because of hormones or other immune factors, peritoneal cells may turn into endometrial-like cells throughout puberty. This means the cells that are lining the abdomen turn into cells that should be lining your uterus and will breakdown and bleed during your period.

Endometrial Cell Transport

Similar to the above, hormones could be causing our embryonic cells to transform into endometrial-like cells. Since embryonic cells are the cells in our bodies at the earliest stages of development, this can later trigger tissues to grow where it shouldn’t. 

Immune System Disorders

If an immune system is compromised and not working as it should be, the body could not be recognizing tissue that is growing outside of the uterus. Normally, the immune system would see it and destroy any unnecessary tissues. 

Surgical Scar Implantation 

Sometimes, after a major surgery like a hysterectomy or even a C-section, the incision that is left behind can trigger unwanted cells to attach. If the excess endometrial-like cells grow here, that could certainly cause endometriosis. 

Common Symptoms of Endometriosis

  • Painful periods 
  • Excessive bleeding, during and between periods
  • Pain with bowel movements and/or urinating 
  • Infertility struggles 
  • Pain during intercourse. 

Common Treatment Options

  • Pain medications such as ibuprofen
  • Hormonal releasing devices
  • Hormonal birth control medications
  • Hormone therapy 
  • Surgery, such as laparoscopy or even hysterectomy

If you have these symptoms, you should see a gynecologist.  If you are diagnosed with endometriosis or are suspected of having it, it’s important to understand that what may work for some women may not work for you, so speak with your physician to discuss what treatment options will be best for your symptoms and health conditions. 

If you have any further questions about endometriosis, reach out to the experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists. Contact us by clicking here or by giving us a call at 770-385-8954.