How Can We Balance Taking Care of Our Mental and Physical Health in Our Schedules?

Striking a balance between managing our responsibilities and practicing self-care can seem like an impossible feat. If you feel like simply tending to your work and family life is overwhelming in itself, you’re not alone. While traditional gender roles are fading, women are tasked with most of the childcare and household chores.  Living with COVID-19 has been identified as a setback to household chore sharing!  Women feel more stressed out than men.

Prioritizing mental and physical wellness might seem like adding more items to an ever-growing to-do list. But striking a balance in which you meet your basic physical and mental needs could actually help everything else fall into place more easily. Here’s what you should know about caring for yourself with a busy schedule.

Stress Factors for Women

Women and men have many of the same stressors. There are family roles to play, personal and professional roles to fulfill, financial responsibilities and social demands to keep up with. But there are some specific stressors which apply specifically to women. For example, women tend to be primary caregivers not only for children but also aging parents. And menstrual cycles or menopause symptoms may also add discomfort that compounds stress.

In the midst of all these factors, mental and physical wellness often take a backseat. And the issue tends to be worse for mothers: a 2019 study showed that 66% of women with children feel overwhelmed, compared to 53% of fathers. Yet, men are more likely to make time for self-care activities.

Regardless of whether or not you have children (or plan to), your mental and physical needs matter. Engaging in basic self-care also helps control stress, improve energy, and keep you healthy overall. Fortunately, you don’t need to overhaul your routine to incorporate mental and physical wellness into your day-to-day life.

Realistic Ways to Balance Your Mental & Physical Needs

Get Creative with Exercise

The current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services call for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week for adults. That sounds like a lot, but amounts to roughly 20 minutes a day for seven days, or 30 minutes a day for five.

When your schedule is packed and you’re already running on empty, setting the alarm earlier to hit the gym may not be realistic, but there are still simple ways to squeeze in physical activity. If you can’t get time away from your children, try activities with them like tag, dancing in your living room, stroller walks, or family bike rides to get your blood flowing. If you’re always at your desk, consider an under-desk pedal exerciser or treadmill desk. These devices vary in price, but your health is an investment worth making.

Prioritize Your Mental Health

There are many ways in which mental and physical wellness are linked, and both need to be tended to in a balanced way. But incorporating mental health habits can be challenging, because efforts are often less tangible than those associated with physical health.

So, what fills your cup? For some women, it may be reading a book. For others, it could be listening to a podcast and drawing a bath. Others may enjoy talking to a friend or doing something creative. If you’re not sure what helps you feel mentally rejuvenated, it’s probably because you haven’t had enough time to explore the possibilities lately.

Your mental health care plan doesn’t have to be complicated. Exercising mental self-care can begin in small ways, including just taking a few minutes each day to pause and reflect. Try to spend 10 to 15 minutes doing simple stretches, sitting outside without your phone, or doing a guided meditation. Eventually, you’ll identify and find time for more involved self-care activities. For now, these grounding exercises may be enough to deliver health-boosting benefits like reducing cortisol and lowering blood pressure.

Preventive women’s wellness is another important element of your overall physical and mental health — and a time when you can prioritize both. If you’re due for an exam, make an appointment with one of our caring providers by calling (770) 385-8954 or schedule your visit online.

Abnormal Pap Test Result? Read This First

You’ve gotten through your Pap test, and you are glad that it is over with! But if you’ve received news that your Pap smear results are abnormal — what to do? First of all, don’t panic. This happens to as many as 1 in 5 women.  Remember the Pap test is a screening test looking for abnormal cervical cells that could eventually become cervical cancer.  Paps prevent cervical cancer by finding abnormalities before it turns into cancer.  But it can also pick up infections.

Here’s a closer look at what your results could mean, and what may happen next

The Pap test has two parts.  First, the cervical cells are looked at to determine if they are normal or abnormal, to see what part of the cervix they came from and to make sure there are enough cells to look at.  Second, for some people, a test for human papillomavirus (HPV) is done.

The cervix is shaped like a doughnut, cells from the center (doughnut hole) and the outside surface of the cervix are needed.  The cells might look completely normal, but if there are not enough cells or if cells from the center are not seen, the Pap will be classified as abnormal, and will have to be repeated in 3 – 4 months.

If a vaginal infection such as yeast or a parasite is found, medication can be prescribed electronically to your pharmacy. And your sexual partner may need to be treated, too.

If abnormal or unusual cells are discovered on your Pap, you might have an area on your cervix where there are abnormal cells caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).  Returning to the office for additional testing will be needed to look for that abnormal area on the cervix.

But even if HPV has caused abnormal cells to grow, in some cases, these changes in your cervical cells can return to normal without any medical intervention.  To keep your cervix healthy, lifestyle changes are recommended.  Don’t smoke cigarettes, take a women’s vitamin which contains folic acid and exercise regularly. Eat colorful fruits and vegetables as these contain nutrients that support our immune systems to help keep HPV spreading and damage to a minimum.

What if my Pap requires follow up testing?

The cervix will be examined under magnification and biopsies will be done.  This is called a colposcopy.  This is an in-office procedure which usually only takes about five to 10 minutes, and post-procedure symptoms are very minimal. You may experience slight cramping that over-the-counter pain medications can help alleviate, and you may notice a dark discharge for several days.

A cervical biopsy can show if “precancerous” or cancerous cells are present.  A “pre-cancerous condition” is not cancer yet, but it could turn into cancer left unidentified, unmonitored, and therefore unaddressed.  Having the additional testing will help determine if you need treatment to prevent the development of cancer.

We understand that while hearing that you’ve gotten a positive Pap test may not feel like the best news in the world, the reality is that it’s very beneficial to detect abnormalities very early on with regular Pap screenings. These cellular changes happen over the course of as long as several years. However, with a Pap test, your provider can often prevent you from getting cancer altogether, because the abnormal cells can be treated well before they progress to a harmful stage.

Treatment of a “pre-cancerous” condition

About 40% of women who receive a biopsy after a positive Pap test require no additional treatment, other than follow-up Pap test within a certain period of time.  If it is determined that you’d benefit from further treatment, removal or ablation of the abnormal cervical tissue is the next step.  The most common treatment is to remove the abnormal portion of the cervix by loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), but treatment will be tailored to you.

Even if you’re told that you need further treatment after a positive Pap test, try not to panic. The procedures we use are minimally invasive, and our team is committed to helping you take a proactive approach to your reproductive health. To schedule a Pap smear or follow-up appointment with our team, call (770) 385-8954 or request an appointment online.

Updated In-Office Visit Guidelines 2022

Pregnant Patients Can Bring a Support Person

Starting Monday, November 14, 2022, expecting patients can have a support person accompany them to any OB-GYN appointment, not just for ultrasounds.

The patient’s support person must be 18 years of age or older. Examples include a spouse, partner, family member, or friend.

Babies Can Join Their Mothers for Postpartum Appointments

Starting Monday, November 14, 2022, patients can bring their babies to postpartum appointments, as long as they are inside a carrier, such as a carseat.

Babies cannot be held or strapped onto the patients, as providers need to be able to comfortably access the patients.

We encourage patients to continue protecting themselves from COVID-19, in addition to the flu and respiratory syncytial virus.

If you have any questions about our Guidelines for Our In-Office Visits, feel free to give our office a call. Schedule a consultation today by calling (770) 385-8954, or fill out an appointment request form online.

Difficulties with Infertility? You Are Not Alone

If you’ve been trying to become pregnant for some time without success, you may be wondering whether infertility is a factor. Infertility can affect both women and men and is defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.

Understanding whether or not you fit the clinical criteria for infertility can be helpful for deciding if and when it’s time to explore treatment options. But infertility also comes with emotional challenges that may leave you feeling isolated. Knowing that you’re not alone in your struggles may provide some comfort as you move forward.

How Common Is Infertility?

According to the National Infertility Association, one in eight couples have difficulty getting pregnant. But infertility could be even more prevalent, as the CDC reports that roughly one in five heterosexual women are unable to get pregnant after trying for one year.

Infertility isn’t just a challenge for women, however. The root causes are evenly distributed between genders: one-third of cases are attributed to female health factors, while another third are due to male health factors. Another third of cases are either unexplained or caused by a combination of factors in both partners.

Regardless of the cause, conversation about infertility has increased in the last several decades, in part because the taboos around discussing the challenges of pregnancy have increasingly lifted. Even our very own OBGYN, Dr. Jessie Bender has experienced infertility and has used the IVF process to conceive her children.

Dr. Bender’s personal photos from her experience with the IVF process.

Dr. Bender’s personal photos from her experience with the IVF process.

“I had to use IVF to conceive, so I can relate to the many highs and lows that come with infertility. While this is a very challenging process, I feel it has given me a tool to be a better OBGYN, especially with my patients struggling to get pregnant. I can empathize with them on an emotional level and also explain how the science of this process makes their dreams possible,” says Dr. Bender.

In the last 50 years, significant advancements have also been made in the world of assisted reproductive technology (ART), including the first baby born via in vitro fertilization (IVF) in 1978. Advocacy for the infertility community has furthered these technological developments, with support communities such as Resolve offering online and locally-based resources for infertile individuals and couples.

Dealing with Infertility: Where to Start

Simply knowing you’re in good company isn’t enough to make infertility go away. The good news is that there are many options to pursue.

If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for over a year, the first step is to schedule an appointment with one of our providers. We’ll discuss options to diagnose possible causes for infertility, which will then help to inform treatment options.

The potential reasons for infertility in both men and women range from structural abnormalities to physiological disorders. In heterosexual couples, a semen analysis can often uncover infertility in men caused by factors such as impaired motility (movement) or abnormal sperm shape. In women, imaging tests may be used to identify issues with reproductive organs and surrounding tissue that could be contributing factors.

Fortunately, treatments can be tailored to address all of these causes. Partners’ ages and personal preferences may also be used to determine the best treatment options. In some cases, addressing the underlying causes of infertility may result in a viable, natural pregnancy. In others, pursuing ART such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IVF may be necessary.

Here at Covington Women’s Health Specialists, we understand how difficult it can be when your plans to start a family are unexpectedly put on hold. Our providers are ready to help you explore treatment options to fulfill your dream of having a child. Schedule a consultation today by calling (770) 385-8954, or fill out an appointment request form online.

What’s the Deal with Adult Acne?

Though raging teen hormones often come paired with raging teen skin problems, acne isn’t only for adolescents. In actuality, it’s the most common skin condition in the United States, and impacts as many as 50 million Americans each year.

Acne flare ups — regardless of your age — stem from blocked pores, inflammation, overactive oil glands, and the activity levels of the normal bacteria on your skin. Wearing masks as protection against COVID-19, while the right thing to do for personal and public health, can also contribute to a breakout or two of “maskne.”

But pregnancy and other normal hormone changes can also bolster your blemishes.

Here’s how to balance things for your skin — and your confidence.

Understanding Acne & Hormones

Changes in your hormone levels mean changes in a lot of things, including your skin. During pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause, fluctuations of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone can combine to create an influx of zits and pimples.

This is because when your hormone levels increase, your body can amp up production of  sebum at the same time. This increase in sebum can elevate inflammation, affect skin cell turnover, and change how the bacteria in your hair follicles are acting — all contributors to acne.

Depending on what medications or antibiotics you’re taking, foods you’re eating, or general mental health, changing hormone levels may multiply acne, as well.

Cleansing & Moisturizing

While you’re working to regulate your hormones, keeping your skin clean will be one of the best ways to combat acne. A gentle cleanser twice daily is all you need to clear away dirt, bacteria, dead skin cells, or anything else that may be blocking your pores. Keep in mind that as aggressive as you may want to be against your acne, hot water and harsh cleansers that strip away moisture may make things worse. And though regularly using moisturizer when you have oily skin may seem illogical, not doing so may trigger an over-production of oil, further exacerbating the problem.

Other Medications May Help

Though YouTube is rife with sickening-while-somehow-satisfying pimple-popping videos, attempting to pop a pimple can lead to scarring or further infection. And dirt or bacteria from your fingers may also pollute your pores.

Clear and clean your skin safely instead by treating it with over-the-counter or prescription acne medications that have the following ingredients:

  • Benzoyl peroxide to decrease bacteria
  • Retinoids to reduce oiliness and unclog pores
  • Salicylic acid to ease inflammation
  • Complementary or natural products such as tea tree oil facial cream and soap may reduce and speed healing of pimples. Several studies have shown that facial tea tree oil products are as effective as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid for mild or moderate acne.

Though your gynecologist is often focused on parts of you below the neck, they can also help make recommendations when it comes to the best combination to control your acne.

Overall preventive wellness such as staying active, eating a nutritious and healthful diet, and enjoying regular sleep (on a clean pillowcase) will all help keep your hormones — and therefore your skin — in check. Talk to our award-winning team about how best to tend to your gynecological health inside and out. You can make an appointment by calling (770) 385-8954 or scheduling a visit with us online.


Trans Healthcare: What Your Gynecologist Wants You to Know

At Covington Women’s Health Specialists, we pride ourselves on being a practice for and by women in our community. We also serve a demographic who needs gynecological healthcare just as much as everyone else: Transgender people.

What Does It Mean to be Transgender or Non-Binary?

People have identified as transgender and non-binary in multiple cultures as early as 5000 to 3000 B.C. Roughly 150,000 minors and 1.4 million adults living in the United States identify as transgender, according to the American College of Obygesticians and Gynecologists.

While a transgender person‘s identity differs from the sex that was assigned at birth, a non-binary person identifies as transgender or gender-nonconforming and does not identify as a man or woman on the gender spectrum.

Do Trans Men and Non-Binary People Even Need Gynecology Care?

Yes! Even after gender-affirming procedures like top surgery (a double mastectomy) or hysterectomy, trans men and nonbinary individuals are still recommended to have an annual gynecology exam. Additionally, while taking testosterone may lower fertility, this is not a reliable birth control method so these individuals should also seek medical consultation from their gynecologist regarding these needs.

For trans people who are interested in having children, fertility services and pregnancy care can still be performed. However, patients who are taking testosterone will need to get off of it when they are ready to take the next step.

Are Pap smears still necessary if I have never had penetration?

Yes! If you have your cervix, screening for cervical cancer is still needed. Most cervical cancers are caused by the Human Papillomavirus which is spread by genital to genital contact, oral to genital contact, and HPV can be spread while sharing toys. All people are at risk.

What Safety Issues Do Trans People Face in Healthcare?

Due to stigma, trans people deal with discrimination on a daily basis. Due to negative and traumatic experiences that many of them have had when accessing care, many avoid it out of fear of mistreatment, according to Contemporary OB/GYN.

They may also face barriers to accessing health care, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Another study found that 26 percent of trans respondents had been denied healthcare and 52 percent had difficulty accessing health services.

How Can I Build Trust with My Gynecologist and Get Comfortable Talking About Sex?

Finding the right provider for you can involve trial and error. You still have to get out there and visit the practice in person to find the one for you! However, you can get a feel for their standard practices and values through their social media and website.

Discussing sexual activity with a healthcare provider can be awkward, no matter your gender or sexual identity. On top of that, trans and other LGBTQIA+ people may fear being judged or treated poorly due to their identity.

What Happens If You Have an STD While Pregnant?

Discovering you have an STD can be upsetting under any circumstances. If you’re diagnosed while you’re pregnant, it can be especially concerning. You may have questions about how the condition will affect your pregnancy, your baby, or long-term health for you both. First, try to remain calm. You’re certainly not alone in this experience, and we’re here to answer your questions.

STD Facts at a Glance

While many of us have been led to believe that STDs are rare, according to 2020 data from the CDC, one in five individuals has an STD or an STI (sexually transmitted infection). Though you might think you’d know for sure if you had one, infections frequently do not cause symptoms.  This is one factor that allows infections to be so easily spread.

Still, despite their common nature, it seems STDs continue to wrongly be considered taboo. “The idea that STDs are these gross, life-altering conditions is also deeply stigmatizing, not to mention largely inaccurate,” insists Amy Marturana Winderl, CPT, in her 2018 article for SELF. “In reality, many STDs can be cured with a round of antibiotics, while others can be managed with medication.”

Whether common or not, effectively treating any condition a mother experiences during pregnancy is of the utmost importance to ensure the safety of both you and your newborn.

Having an STD While Pregnant

While STDs can cause the same health issues in pregnant women as non-pregnant women, the challenge is that certain STDs can also affect babies, as they can be passed along during pregnancy, birth, or while breastfeeding. Even if they are not spread to your child, other complications can be serious for you, including premature labor, pelvic inflammatory disease, and uterine infection.

OB/GYNs minimize these risks by testing patients once or twice during their pregnancies.   For example, at the first visit when the pregnancy is confirmed, you will be tested for HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, hepatitis B and gonorrhea.  Later in the pregnancy, you will be re-tested for common infections such as chlamydia or infections that can affect the baby such as syphilis and HIV.

Infections caused by bacteria are usually cured with pregnancy-safe antibiotics.  However, viral infections cannot be cured, but they can be controlled with medications to prevent spread to the developing baby. In the case of HIV, for example, antiviral medications can be safely administered during pregnancy to reduce symptoms and decrease the chance of HIV transmission. In addition to using antiviral medications during pregnancy, to further protect the baby, delivery by cesarean section and treatment of the baby with antiviral medications after birth is recommended.

STD prevention is a solid way to keep both you and the baby safe. Limiting the number of your sexual partners, practicing protected sex, and staying away from shared needles or razors (anything that may expose you to another person’s blood or body fluids), are all advised.

Whether you’re concerned about an infection during pregnancy or you’re simply seeking a trusted partner for your maternity care, allow our providers to help. Our compassionate team is here to support you through every phase of pregnancy, including prenatal and postpartum care. To schedule an appointment, call (770) 385-8954, or fill out a request form online.

Postpartum Hair? How to Cope with the Loss

Most women expect their bodies to change in significant ways during pregnancy and after birth. (Growing and birthing a human are remarkable feats, after all!) But it can be surprising to discover just how pronounced an effect pregnancy can have on virtually every area of the body — including your hair.

If you feel as if you’ve started shedding more hair after having a baby, you’re not alone. The American Pregnancy Association confirms that 40% to 50% of women experience hair loss during or after pregnancy.

We understand that simply knowing that this is a common situation doesn’t make it any less upsetting. So, here’s what you should know about this frustrating postpartum symptom.

Why Does Postpartum Hair Loss Occur?

While the average person will shed between 50 and 100 hairs a day, shedding often slows down significantly during pregnancy. Both estrogen and progesterone keep hair follicles from shedding their individual strands of hair. When these hormone levels change during pregnancy, women often end up with thicker hair, because they’re simply losing less. So, when their hormone levels go back to normal postpartum, there are nine months’ worth of hair follicles that are all ready to lose their strands.

This normal, post-pregnancy process typically peaks four months after giving birth, though it can start anywhere between one to six months postpartum and may continue for a period of up to 18 months. Though many women experience regrowth earlier, no matter how long it lasts, unlike other types of hair loss, dermatologists note that postpartum hair loss is temporary.

How to Deal with Postpartum Hair Loss

While you certainly don’t have to do anything to address it, you may feel more like yourself by tweaking your hair care regimen until your mane regains its fullness. Here are a few tips to try.

Continue taking prenatal vitamins.

Certain vitamins in your prenatals may help to sustain nail and hair growth after giving birth. Folic acid, in particular, can be helpful for promoting healthy hair.

Try a new style.

Many women find that postpartum hair loss is most noticeable right at the start of the hairline. Switching up your part may be enough to cover up the areas where the hair loss seems most pronounced. Or, consider taking a few inches off the length to create the illusion of fullness.

Switch up your routine.

When you’re already shedding hair, it’s a good idea to do what you can to avoid even more hair loss. To that end, try to use a gentler styling routine whenever possible. Instead of using a curling iron, which can lead to damage, try braiding your strands while they’re damp for heat-free waves. Similarly, allow your hair to air dry whenever possible in lieu of blow drying. Be extra cautious when drying your hair; consider using a microfiber towel or t-shirt instead of roughing up your hair with a regular towel.

Modify your diet.

One 2017 study has linked accelerated hair loss to low protein intake. But eating a nutrient-rich diet is beneficial in many ways — particularly while breastfeeding — so consider addressing any nutritional gaps in your diet. If you’re concerned, you could also ask your doctor about having blood work done to check for vitamin deficiencies.

While hair loss is a normal part of postpartum hormone changes, we’re here to help with any health concerns you may have through pregnancy and beyond. To discuss any women’s health topics with our providers, request an appointment online or by calling (770) 385-8954.

Signs of Menopause (Regardless of Your Age)

Sometimes referred to as “The Change” in pop culture, menopause is more formally defined as “the time when your menstrual periods stop permanently and you can no longer get pregnant.”

When, exactly, does the transition into menopause begin? Age, family history, and prior medical conditions can all play a part in its onset. According to the Endocrine Society, “In the United States, the average age for menopause is 51 for non-smokers and 49 for smokers, with a typical age range somewhere between 47 and 55 years. Some women experience menopause sooner — before age 45 is considered early menopause, and before age 40 is considered premature menopause.”

Still unsure when to expect yours? As the North American Menopause Society admits, there’s “No clear starting or ending point, odd diversions, and an estimated time of arrival that could span years.”

But there are a few signs you can look for, and we’re here to help you navigate them.

Irregular Periods

A ‘change’ can mean a lot of things when it comes to your menstrual period,” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists explains. “It could be a change in the length of your cycle. It could mean your period is coming more often or less often. The flow could be heavier or lighter than you’re used to. You also could have some bleeding or spotting between periods.”

If you’re experiencing irregularity in an otherwise “you-could-set-your-clock-to it” menstrual cycle, this may signal the beginnings of menopause (also known as perimenopause). Regular appointments with your gynecologist can help track these changes and determine whether you are truly in menopause or not.

Mood Shifts

“During menopause, it’s common to experience mood changes such as irritability, sadness, lack of motivation, aggressiveness, problems focusing, stress, difficulty concentrating, and depression,” Mental Health UK explains. These mood changes can be due to normal hormone shifts in your body, a previous history of depression or mental health issues, mid-life psychological changes, and other factors.

If you’re noticing unexplained changes in your mood — those that sharply veer from your stable “norm” — talk to your gynecologist to help identify whether normal menopause hormone changes may be the source.

Hot Flashes

These sudden, uncomfortable temperature changes in your body are practically the calling card for menopause. (When they happen at night, they’re referred to as night sweats.) The experts at succinctly explain their cause this way: “As your estrogen level falls, this has a direct effect on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for controlling your appetite, sleep cycles, sex hormones, and body temperature. Somehow (we don’t know exactly how), the drop in estrogen confuses the hypothalamus — which is sometimes referred to as the body’s ‘thermostat’ — and makes it read ‘too hot.’”

As with other symptoms of menopause, the intensity, frequency, and length of time you might experience hot flashes varies among individuals, which can make it challenging to determine the most effective treatment. Several different solutions may be useful, including hormone therapy, stress management, dietary changes, or alternative medicine practices, but working with your gynecologist will help you find the combination best suited for your specific needs.

Sleep Disturbance

Night sweats can also be connected with difficulty sleeping. But they aren’t the only reason why menopause impacts your rest. The Sleep Foundation reports that “The most common sleep problems . . . include hot flashes, insomnia, sleep-disordered breathing, and other mood and sleep disorders,” including restless legs syndrome.

Lack of sleep can negatively impact both your physical and mental health, and cause serious health problems if it continues long term. Your gynecologist can help you manage challenging symptoms, as well as create a healthy sleep routine.

Vaginal Dryness

Though vaginal dryness can happen at any age for a variety of reasons, as SELF magazine explains, “it’s most common when estrogen levels tank during menopause.” This normal drop in estrogen production can also lessen your body’s natural vaginal moisture and secretions, resulting in dryness that can cause:

  • irritation, burning, or itching
  • lowered sex drive
  • post-sex bleeding
  • recurring urinary tract infections

If this menopausal symptom is getting in the way of your sex life (or general quality of life), your gynecologist can recommend a variety of remedies for you.

Menopause is a normal, biological process for every woman, but as you can see it’s also individually unique. Schedule an appointment online or call (770) 385-8954 to connect with our compassionate team, and get the right support through every phase.

Covington Women’s Health Specialists Sponsors 39th Annual Fuzz Run

On Sep 11, 2022, Covington Women’s Health Specialists had the honor of being a diamond-level sponsor for the Fuzz Run.

Taking place every September, the Fuzz Run is organized by Police Who Care, Inc. The PWC Fund was created almost 40 years ago as a means to help Covington Police Officers with medical bills and other financial difficulties.

We had such a wonderful time meeting current and future patients! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and had a chat with us. Until next year!

In the meantime, you can see Covington Women’s Health at our practice. Make an appointment with us today.