Tag Archive for: Women’s Health

The Benefits of Nerve Blocks Over Narcotics for Post-Surgery and Postpartum Pain Relief

At Covington Women’s Health Specialists, we prioritize the well-being and comfort of our patients. We take pride in our affiliation with Piedmont Newton Hospital and their anesthesiologists’ and anesthetists’ commitment to offering advanced pain management techniques to enhance patient recovery. One such technique is the use of nerve blocks, a method that has proven to be highly effective in reducing postoperative and postpartum pain while minimizing the reliance on narcotic medications.

Nerve blocks are a form of regional anesthesia that involves injecting medication near specific nerves to block pain signals from reaching the brain. This targeted approach provides significant pain relief in the immediate postoperative and postpartum periods. Unlike systemic narcotic medications, which can affect the entire body and cause a range of side effects such as drowsiness, nausea, and constipation, nerve blocks work locally, allowing patients to experience effective pain relief without these unwanted side effects.

The benefits of using nerve blocks over narcotics are particularly important in the context of obstetrics and gynecology. After surgery or childbirth, effective pain management is crucial for a smooth recovery. Nerve blocks not only reduce physical discomfort but also help new mothers stay alert and engaged during the crucial early bonding period with their newborns. Additionally, minimizing the use of narcotics helps prevent potential issues related to dependency and ensures a safer recovery process.

The skilled anesthesiologists and anesthetists at Piedmont Newton Hospital are highly trained in administering nerve blocks, ensuring that our patients receive the best possible care. By prioritizing patient comfort and recovery, we are striving to enhance the overall patient experience and ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

To schedule a prenatal visit to learn more, call our office at 770-385-8954 or request an appointment online.

Four Ways Alcohol Can Affect Your Long-Term Health

It wasn’t just a plot point for the character Miranda in the recent HBO series, “And Just Like That”: Women now drink the same amount of alcohol as men, if not more, to cope with life stressors. While this trend was on the rise even pre-pandemic, psychological stress and anxiety that often leads to drinking has only increased since COVID-19 appeared two years ago.

In 2021, about one in four of all adults reported an increase in drinking due to pandemic-related stress. But according to WebMD, this increase has been especially apparent in women, which is especially problematic, as there are many specific long-term effects alcohol has on a woman’s health.

1. Brain Function

Your brain reduces in size naturally as you age — regardless of your gender. But heavy drinking also shrinks brain matter. Specifically, researchers at the University of Oxford found that alcohol shrinks the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with memory, learning, and reasoning.

Other studies also show that women may be more susceptible to the brain shrinkage caused by alcohol. This effect is permanent, making it one of many reasons to limit alcohol intake, especially for women.

2. Heart Disease

For both men and women, excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, or heart failure. “Women who drink excessively are at increased risk for damage to the heart muscle at lower levels of consumption and over fewer years of drinking than men,” the CDC reports. And even women who only moderately drink alcohol have an increased risk of cardiomyopathy, which is a disease that makes it difficult for your heart to pump blood.

3. Breast Cancer

Alcohol consumption can also impact the way a woman’s body processes estrogen. This may  leave more estrogen in your body, thereby increasing your risk of hormone-related breast cancer. This risk increases with every glass of alcohol. In fact, over 10% of alcohol-related cancer cases were attributed to consuming only one bottle of beer or two small glasses of wine daily.

4. Weight Gain

Alcohol consumption can also impact weight gain for every gender. While it isn’t impossible to lose weight while drinking, even moderate drinking can significantly slow down your body’s process of burning fat.

Alcohol also impacts how your body internally manages food intake, making it difficult for you to know when you are actually full. It can also make you feel hungrier while drinking, affecting how much you actually eat. Many alcoholic drinks also have a high-calorie count, filling your body up with empty calories. If you are trying to lose or maintain weight, staying away from alcohol may be even wiser advice than avoiding the ice cream.

How to Take Care of Your Health

Though you may have come across research that indicates health benefits of alcohol, many experts agree that there is actually no safe amount to consume. If total abstinence proves impossible, light to moderate drinking is advised. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines moderate drinking as one drink or less per day for women, though keep in mind that even that can still lead to long-term health issues.

If you are concerned about your alcohol consumption or any other aspect of your health, Covington Women’s Health Specialists are here to help! Call for an appointment at (770) 385-8954 or schedule one online.


Balancing Staying Active for Women

With everything women balance, it can be difficult for them to find ways to stay active. However, while you’re working on your career, passions, and focusing on loved ones, it’s also vital that you find those moments to work on your physical health. 

Our experts are giving tips for balancing staying active for women. 

Shift Priorities to Balancing Staying Active for Women

Staying active is essential for remaining healthy, managing stress, boosting your immune system, and many other benefits. Physicians recommend getting at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. If you’re able to, shift priorities around to make time for staying active. Try to schedule everything else around when you know you’ll have time to go to the gym or go running. If you make exercising your number one priority, then it’ll be much easier to find the time to do it. 

Look for Exercise in the Daily Moments 

If you’re too swamped to carve out the time to do daily workouts, then find ways to sneak in exercises. If you’re tidying up your home, add some squats or weight lifting exercises as you move from place to place. Going shopping or meeting someone out? Park further away to increase your steps for the day! Find moments to get up and stretch during work or to take a short lap around the block. These small ways to stay active can keep yourself healthy and happy. 

Find Something You Love and Stick With It

If you’re having a hard time being motivated to exercise, it might just be because you haven’t found the right type yet! If you’re forcing yourself to run and hate it, no wonder it’s a big ordeal to get yourself out the door to do it. 

Experiment with new types of exercise! Try dancing with guided classes. Give weight lifting a chance. Maybe attempt to do cycling. The possibilities are endless! 

Ask for Friends To Work Out With You

If you have a lot going on and don’t have enough time for your loved ones, sneak in time with them by asking them to work out with you! That way you get to be with your friends or family and you also get in exercise that’s great for your health! 

If you have any more questions about balancing staying active for women, reach out to our experts by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954

How Pregnancy Can Impact Your Skin

When you’re pregnant, so much changes in your life and in your body. While the way your belly grows might be the most obvious difference, your skin also experiences a lot of shifts. From breaking out heavily to becoming a totally different type of skin, every woman experiences skin changes during pregnancy differently.  

If you’d like to learn more, the experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists are digging into how pregnancy can impact your skin below.  

The Famous Pregnancy Glow 

Many women experience what’s called pregnancy glow, when a pregnant person’s skin seems to be luminous. Experts believe this is due to the increased hormones, oil, and also blood volume.  

Enjoy this time and treat your skin gently! And know that when things go back to normal, your skin will be just as beautiful.  

Stretch Marks  

Your body is growing to make room for the fetus. Stretch marks are an absolutely normal and expected part of pregnancy! They most usually appear around your abdomen, hips, butt, thighs, and breasts after your skin has stretched to cover the expanding parts of your body.  

While some creams and products can help lessen their appearance if your stretch marks are really bothering you, they can’t treat them fully. We recommend understanding they’re natural and that there’s nothing wrong with these marks.  

Breaking Out  

When you’re pregnant, your progesterone levels increased, which means more oil production for your skin. This often leads to breakout, no matter your age when you’re expecting!  

However, it can be difficult treating this issue as many products for acne control can have products that might lead to birth defects. Don’t pick your skin!  And do not use creams with retinol, retinoids, or salicylic acids. Instead, use benzoyl peroxide, wash gently and consider natural essential oils such as sea buckthorn that has anti-inflammatory properties.  

Additions to Your Skin  

Many women experience changes in the appearance of their skin during pregnancy. This could mean moles growing in size or additional ones appearing, skin tags producing, and dark skin patches showing up, a condition called melasma.  

Keep an eye on all these changes. For new moles, it’s always important to get them checked for potential skin cancer. For other issues, it’s best to let them develop and treat them after you give birth and are finished with breastfeeding. Speak with your dermatologist for the best course of action to do so!  

Varicose Veins  

Another impact of increased blood flow during pregnancy is varicose veins. These occur when the leg veins experience additional pressure and swelling. They appear to be darker and more obvious veins, sticking out on the skin of your legs.  

How to beat this? Some of the changes are due to hormones which we cannot change during pregnancy, so change the things you can by avoiding excessive weight gain!  Get up and start moving! Exercise boosts circulation and prevents blood from pooling in the legs. Choose healthy foods and control your portions.  You are not eating for two grown-ups!  As your midwife or doctor about a pregnancy meal plan that considers your pre-pregnancy weight. 

If you have any more questions about how pregnancy can impact your skin, reach out to our experts by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954.  

Safe Sex Toys: Don’t Be Afraid to Explore!

Not many people are comfortable discussing sex toys. However, sex toys are a healthy and fun way to satisfy yourself and your partner, which can lead to wonderful health benefits like sleeping better, dissolving stress, and maintaining the health of your vagina.  

But with an overwhelming number of options out there, it’s important to know what’s safe to buy and what you should be looking out for when shopping. To help all of our patients when it comes to safe sex toys, we’re describing the best options to buy and what to look out for.

Know What You Want  

The number of sex toys available on the market is obscene!  Pun intended! First, consider if you looking for something that will focus on a certain body part? Or would you prefer a toy that requires you and your partner to work together?  There are toy options that will allow your partner to deliver vibrations to your most sensitive areas, whether your partner is in the room with you or in another country!  Would you prefer a rechargeable toy or a battery-operated toy? 

If this is your first purchase, it’ll help tremendously for you to know what you want, so that you get right to the point and don’t get distracted by all the options.  Considering too many options may cause you to shy away.

Research Reviews  

Just like you do when shopping for something else, check out the reviews for a sex toy you have your eye on. See what other people are saying about their satisfaction with the product or if they experienced any issues with comfort or toy performance. 

Check Out What It’s Made Out Of  

This is especially important, as many sex toys aren’t FDA regulated. 

Most commonly, sex toys are made out of three types of products: porous, slightly porous, and non-porous. You’ll want to pick something that is non-porous, as this means you will actually be able to clean all the surfaces and destroy any lingering bacteria. Non-porous materials included silicone, ABS plastics, pyrex, and stainless steel. If you are not sure what ABS plastic is, this is a hard plastic which many children’s playthings are made of such as Legos.  Silicone toys are softer than plastic, are easy to clean and are what most sex toys are made of.  Don’t pick anything with un-tempered glass or something that can break easily and potentially harm yourself.  

Use it Properly  

Once you’ve picked your sex toy, make sure to take care of it properly. This means cleaning it often. We recommend using warm water with soap after every use of the toy, and especially after using it on a different partner. Don’t forget to also let the product dry properly.  Each toy will come with its own care instructions. 

Why is the Rabbit Style the Most Popular Toy?

The rabbit style toy has been popularized in TV shows, such as Sex and the City, and in magazines.  The reason this style of toy is so popular is that because several erogenous zones are stimulated by this toy.  Using a rabbit toy, women are usually always able to achieve an orgasm, and the sensation is often very intense, lasts longer or can even be experienced as several back to back orgasmic waves otherwise know as multiple orgasms.  Check it out!

Still Feeling Shy?

Dr. Cathy Larrimore, the founder of Covington Women’s Health Specialists, has counseled thousands of women over the years concerning their sexual health.  Often, women are worried about what their children or other loved ones will think if they find a toy among their belongings in the event of incapacitating illness or unexpected death.  Dr. Larrimore suggests any ladies worried about this possibility place a note in the drawer or where ever the ladies keep their toys stating simply, “You found my toys, and now you know, that I was normal!  ; ) ”

If you have any more questions about safe sex toys, reach out to our experts by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954.  

What Is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

With more than 200,000 cases in the United States per year, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common medical condition that impacts women and their ovaries.

The experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists are explaining what is polycystic ovary syndrome, describing symptoms, and listing treatment options below!

What Is PCOS?

Known as a hormonal disorder, this medical condition commonly impacts women when they are in their reproductive years. Women who experience this disease usually have infrequent or long menstrual cycles, issues reproducing, and excessive male hormone levels.

While the exact cause of PCOS is unknown, there are some elements that scientists believe might be at the root of this condition. Those are:

  • Excess androgen.
  • Excess insulin.
  • Heritage and family history of the disease.
  • Low-grade inflammation.

What Are the Symptoms?

The following symptoms usually begin during a woman’s first menstrual period:

  • Excess androgen, which causes:
    • Increase in body and facial hair.
    • Male-pattern baldness.
    • Severe acne.
  • Irregular periods.
  • Polycystic ovaries, which are enlarged ovaries that surround the eggs.

How Is PCOS Treated?

If your doctor is able to positively identify that you have polycystic ovary syndrome, the treatment for this condition isn’t necessarily to get rid of the condition. It’s more focused on  fixing certain symptoms.

Here are treatment plans that go along with having polycystic ovary syndrome:

  • Laser treatments, such as electrolysis.
  • Lifestyle changes, such as increasing daily exercise or restricting certain foods from your diet.
  • Medications, such as birth control pills.
  • Progestin therapy.

If you have any more questions, reach out to the women’s health experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954.



Understanding Gynecologic Cancers

One of the biggest threats towards a woman’s health is gynecologic cancers. In fact, about 94,000 women a year will be diagnosed with one of these types of cancers.

To help spread awareness and understanding, we’re explaining the five most common types of gynecologic cancers, how to prevent these major health issues, and the biggest signs something might be developing in you. Through this effort, we hope that everyone who reads this will have a full understanding of gynecologic cancers.

What Are the Most Common Types of Gynecologic Cancers?


Though the most common definition of gynecologic cancer is a type of cancer that grows in a woman’s reproductive system, there are five major places it can begin to develop. Where the cancer begins determines the type of gynecologic cancer it is.

Here are the five types to look out for:

  • Cervical Cancer: Occurs when the cancer starts in the cervix, also known as the lower and narrow end of the uterus.
  • Ovarian Cancer: Happens in the ovaries, located on either side of the uterus.
  • Uterine Cancer: This cancer appears in the uterus, where a child develops during pregnancy.
  • Vaginal Cancer: Occurs in the vagina.
  • Vulvar Cancer: Starts in the vulva, which is the outer portion of a female’s genitals.

What Are the Symptoms of Gynecologic Cancers?

Though the symptoms for each type of gynecologic cancer vary, it’s important to know the biggest signs so you can be aware of anything developing with your own health. Here are the major symptoms:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding/ discharge.
  • Abdominal and back pain.
  • Difficulty eating.
  • Feeling full quickly.
  • Frequent need to urinate.
  • Itching, burning, pain, or tenderness around the vulva.
  • Pelvic pain and pressure.
  • Rashes around the vulva.
  • Sores around the vulva.
  • Warts around the vulva.

How Do I Lower My Risks?

  • Be proactive in your health. Receive regular health screenings, such as the pap test or the HPV test, and visit your OBGYN yearly to receive annual exams. Doing so can help catch cancer before it’s developed far, increasing your chances of recovering.
  • Get vaccinated. The HPV vaccine can prevent the development of HPV, which causes these major types of gynecologic cancers. If you haven’t received this vaccine yet, speak to your doctor today to see if it’s recommended for you. If you have children below 26 years of age or are that old yourself, it’s highly encouraged that this age group receives this vaccine.
  • Understand the signs. Know the symptoms above so that you can recognize when something is happening in your body. The quicker you can spot troubling signs, the more likely you’ll be able to do something about cancer before it’s spread too far to be treated successfully.

If you have any more questions about understanding gynecologic cancers, reach out to the women’s health experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954.

Help Teach Little Girls (and Boys) How to Take Care of Their Bodies

As a parent, you have a lot of responsibilities.  The lessons you teach your children can stay with them for their entire lives. An important part of raising your children is teaching them about their bodies and the best ways to take care of them. Especially for little girls, these lessons can be vital in ensuring you raise healthy, well-rounded adults.

If you’re a parent and are lost on how to help teach little girls how to take care of their bodies, the women’s health experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists are here to help. While these physicians are dedicated to the care of women, these tips will work for little boys as well!

Let’s start with the basic tips below on teaching your kids how to take care of their bodies.

Bodies Come in Different Shapes and Sizes and All are Beautiful

Diversity is an important lesson, so start early. Show them that bodies come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Let them know that their body belongs to them!  Tell them that their body is perfect and normal, just the way it is, and so is everyone else’s.

Teaching them these body-positive lessons early will really empower them to love themselves and who they are. Every little girl should feel this way!

Teaching them that their bodies belong to them will give them a sense of pride and lays the groundwork for them being able to recognize inappropriate touching from others.

Physical Strength is Healthy

Exercising, eating healthy foods, and avoiding unhealthy behavior such as smoking will help keep your children strong and will help them avoid illnesses.  A strong body is more productive in helping your child have fun at play, do their daily chores, and exercise will help keep them deal with stress if this occurs.

Teach your Children about Mental Health


Let them know all the ways the mind is powerful, it lets them learn our world and themselves.  Their ability to learn and think is very special and important to keeping your kids happy and healthy, too.

Encouraging them to discuss their feelings. Let them know that discussing their emotions is healthy.  Make a promise to always be there for them to talk about what is happening or what is bothering them.

When they tell you what they tell you their ideas, let them know that you like the way they think!  When they tell you what they have learned, praise them for learning the information and sharing it!  Answer their questions, even if you have to Google the subject before answering!  Encourage their quest for knowledge.

Inform Them About Puberty

Telling your child what to expect as she grows is empowering and will help her not be frightened as her body changes. Explaining the process and giving them great detail will not only teach them that this process is normal, but it can also lessen stress and worries during the experience itself.  Promise to be there if she has questions or wants to tell you or show you how things have changed for her.

Talk About Sex


Included in the talks about puberty should also be discussions about sex! Many parents believe that not discussing sex with children will discourage them from participating in it. However, this is not a great tactic.

Children are curious and it is normal for them to touch themselves while trying to figure out what their body parts are for and why they feel the way they do.  While this is NORMAL, please let your child know that this should be done in privacy and that no one else should touch them in that way.  Answer their questions in a way that you are comfortable but punishing them and telling them that this is bad may be harmful.

Let them know how relationships and sex work when you feel they are old enough.  Teach them how they should handle their feelings and urges when the time comes.  Most importantly, teach them about respect. Remind them that others should respect them and that they should respect others.

Reassure your kids that you will be there if something uncomfortable happens to them or if they have questions and concerns.

Show Them Healthy Habits


Encourage your children to keep up healthy habits by keeping up with healthy habits yourself!  When you exercise and eat healthy foods in reasonable portion sizes, they will learn from you.

The goal of exercise is to keep the body strong and healthy.  Avoid obsessing over your weight or talking about the goal of being “skinny.”  Avoid smoking since children will want to smoke if you smoke.

If you have any more questions about how to help teach little girls how to take care of their bodies, reach out to the women’s health experts at Covington Women’s Health by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954.

Sweating Down There? It’s Normal!

It happens to all women. You’re out and about enjoying your day while it happens to be warm, or you’re putting your all into a work-out, and very quickly your underwear or groin area becomes drenched with sweat. On top of sweating through your armpits, you probably notice perspiration gathering underneath your breasts and in your vagina.

Sweating down there might be “gross,” but don’t worry! It’s 100% natural and something all women do. To help spread awareness on why this is so, the experts at Covington Women’s Health are discussing why women sweat at their vulvas.

Why Do I Sweat Down There?

Sweating is an absolutely necessary part of life. It’s your body’s way of cooling down your skin and preventing you from overheating.

Sweat comes from the sweat glands located throughout your body. There are two types: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. The latter are the ones that are in your vulvar area, because they are connected to the hair follicles there.

Just like there are two different types of sweat glands, there are also two different types of sweat! The sweat that happens in your vulvar area has a milk-like texture and can have a strong order. However, as mentioned above, while eccrine gland sweat is the process that cools down your body, many scientists and medical professionals aren’t sure of the purpose of apocrine sweat.

But, it’s still a totally natural process.

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Sweat?

Just like with excessive sweat through the armpits, this can also happen at your vulva! If you’re noticing a large amount of sweat at low-energy efforts, then it might be a sign you have a problem with excessive sweat in your vagina.

One example of a common reason why this happens is a medical condition called hyperhidrosis, which causes people to sweat more than others.

If your level of sweat is bothering you and impacting your quality of life, there are several things you can do! The best first step is to reach out to your trusted gynecologist to discuss what’s happening. They will be able to give you a plan to see if you can lessen the impact of your excessive sweat.

If you have any more questions about sweating down there, reach out to the women’s health experts at Covington Women’s Health by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954.

Birth Control 101: Pros and Cons of Common Options

If you know you’re not looking to build a family any time soon, then birth control is something you’re ready to start taking. But there are countless types of birth control available to everyone and figuring out which type is best for you takes planning and considering. Figuring out your best option might be dizzying and more stressful than it once was. 

The experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists are breaking down all the birth control options and discussing the pros and cons of each option. Keep reading below to see which might be best for you! 

Scheduled Options 

  • Patch: The skin absorbs the hormones from this patch that can either go on the belly, upper arm, butt, or back. It prevents eggs from being produced and sperm traveling to the egg. 
    • This option is fantastic for women who are almost ready to give birth. Not only is it effective at about 91%, but when you stop taking it, you can get pregnant right away. It also has other health benefits, like reducing acne, and can make your periods better. However, it does require you to change the patch weekly. 
  • Pill: One of the most commonly known options, this birth control type requires women to take a daily pill. Doing so stops ovulation, which means there’s no egg to produce a baby, and also prevents the flow of sperm to the eggs. 
    • If you can remember to take the pill every single day, then this option might be great for you with 91% accuracy. It’s pretty affordable, has other health benefits such as helping with iron deficiencies, and can make your periods better. However, some women have reported negative side-effects, such as headaches.
  • Shots: Requiring women to come in every three months to receive an injection, this birth control option releases the same hormone as the above, creating the same effects. 
    • If you really hate shots, maybe don’t consider this option. But for those who don’t mind it, you only have to worry about receiving it four times a year with 94% effectiveness. It also has added health benefits like preventing cancer, lessens your period. However, you will have to wait about 10 months to get pregnant after stopping the shot, and there are negative side effects like depression. 
  • Vaginal Ring: Similar process to the above options, the NuvaRing is a ring that is placed inside your vagina to prevent pregnancy.
    • With this option, you don’t have to worry about taking something every day to prevent pregnancy and you still receive a 91% effectiveness. It also has added health benefits like preventing bone thinning and it can help lessen your periods. However, if you don’t like the idea of having to replace monthly or the negative side-effects that often come with it, like nausea, then consider something else. 

More Permanent Options 

  • Tubal Ligation, or Sterilization: Also known as “getting your tubes tied”, this is a permanent birth control option that involves safe and successful surgery. During the process, a physician will permanently close your fallopian tubes, not allowing eggs to travel to the place in your body where they will meet with sperm to create a child. 
    • If you know you will never have kids, tubal ligation is a great way to go. You’ll never have to worry about getting pregnant with a 99% effective rate. However, if you change your mind, it’s costly and sometimes not effective to reverse this process. You and your partner need to be absolutely certain if you want to get your tubes tied. 
  • Vasectomy: Similar to the above, a vasectomy is the male version of permanent birth control. In this procedure, a doctor will cut off the small tubes in a scrotum that is responsible for allowing sperm to leave the body. 
    • Again, if you know you and your partner never want kids, you can’t go wrong with this 99% effective form of birth control. Just like sterilization, reversing a vasectomy is costly, complicated, and sometimes doesn’t work. So only pick this option if you’re 100% sure. 

The Less Maintenance Options 

  • Birth Control Implant: A thin rod that goes into your arm, this implant releases the hormone progestin into your body to prevent sperm from swimming to the egg and also keep the eggs from leaving the ovaries. 
    • Many women love this option as it only needs to be inserted into the arm once and then it continues to work for many years at a very high effective rate of 99%. However, it can be more costly and several women experience painful side-effects, like breast pain.  
  • IUD: This stands for Intrauterine Device, and, just like the name suggests, this option is a tiny device that is placed into your uterus. It alters the way that sperm and eggs move throughout your body, blocking a pregnancy from happening in the first place. Within this option are five other choices, and which you pick will largely depend on your preferences. 
    • While IUDs are very effective at a 99% effective rate and can last for many years, the process of receiving them and removing them can be more painful than other options. Sometimes the side effects that come with IUD, such as irregular periods and pain, might convince women not to use this option. They can also be more costly, but they also help to lessen periods. 

What’s the Best Way to Get Your Birth Control?

As our society continues to move more towards convenience and ease, it might also be tempting to do the same with your birth control. But, when it comes to ensuring you have the perfect type for you, nothing can replace the accuracy of visiting your trusted gynecologist and having a consultation. Together, the two of you can work through your preferences and discuss which will best suit your needs. You’ll leave the office with a clear decision and without a doubt. 

If you have any more questions about birth control, reach out to the experts at Covington Women’s Health Specialists by clicking here or giving us a call at 770-385-8954